Opportunity Fund
BCF has established a fund to support Parks and Recreation Programs and Scholarships. This fund will be disbursed to Belmont Parks and Recreation to allow staff to award scholarships to those who need financial support, and if funds allow, to assist in providing inclusion camps and programs. Please donate to help those in our community who can use your support!

To support the Opportunity Fund, you can make your donation online or can mail a check made out to Belmont Community Foundation to:
Belmont Community Foundation
PO Box 1211
Belmont, CA 94002
Belmont Community Foundation is a Section 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 92-0761983. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
With the rising costs in the Bay Area, this would have not been possible for us without the rewarded grant. Blake made so many wonderful memories at camp, he was always excited to attend and looked forward to what the new day would bring! He loved the camp counselors and the activities and has told me he's already excited for camp in 2024! It was such a painless process to apply for the grant, always a quick follow-up when needed, and we received it in time to book the camps as I know they fill up quickly. Thank you for making it possible for Blake to make these new and lasting memories!

Testimonials from previous scholarship recipients:

Thank you for the grant to allow my daughter to attend Camp Soar this summer. I’ve been personally impacted by Long Covid with debilitating fatigue so I have only been able to work part time for the past two years. Not only is my income now limited but the fatigue makes it difficult for me to give my daughters the time and energy they need to be able to get them out of the house for activities. The grant for Camp Soar meant that they got to play with kids their age and enjoy field trips and swim time I don’t have the energy for. Thanks again for the opportunity and I hope you continue to fund this program for the good of the community. We look forward to camp next year!